What is SEO?

The concept of search engine optimization (SEO) and indexing is sometimes misunderstood, which is why we would like to address some important details.

A search engine always anticipates which websites should be presented to a user for a given term, even before a search is conducted. How does it determine the order in which to display the results? This is where its algorithms come into play. These algorithms are calculations that assess the relevance of a web page to a specific term. The goal is to maximize the visibility of our page in the eyes of these algorithms. There are several hundred elements that can be improved on a page to achieve this objective, but some are more important than others.

One of the most overlooked points, in our opinion, is the content of your page. It is crucial to always keep in mind that the texts on your site are intended for real visitors. Some people tend to focus solely on the SEO aspect. It is essential that your text is relevant, precise, comprehensive, and uses a language level appropriate for your audience. Naturally, your text will contain important keywords. Therefore, it is generally unnecessary to try to add or force keywords into your text. Instead, it is advisable to place keywords in the right places or rephrase certain sentences.

Other important points to consider include optimizing your site, having a logical structure, ensuring fast loading times, and more. All of these points concern your site from an internal perspective. It is also crucial to understand that search engines will evaluate your site from an external perspective, meaning how the rest of the web perceives and connects to your site. The objective in this case is to create relevant links with high-quality related sites.

Implementing all of these methods can help improve your positioning in search results. It is recommended to apply as many of these techniques as possible since it is difficult to determine the precise impact of a single element. SEO is an ongoing process that requires constant attention to maintain and enhance your online visibility.

SEO ou optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche